Introducing As Constructed Design Certification Desktop


The As Constructed Design Certification (ACDC) solution encompasses two main components:


The ACDC desktop application functionality facilitates the configuration of validation rules, enforces the validation of assets in AutoCAD drawings according to those rules, and facilitates the conversion of assets to a target database. Using the built-in rules at point of capture improves data quality and confidence in the asset information captured from as-built plans.


ACDC (As Constructed Design Certification) automates and simplifies the process of uploading data from as-built drawings into an organizations GIS and asset management systems. ACDC operates within the framework of AutoCAD to store and enforce validation rules and drawing standards that a Utility/Council places on their as-built drawings to ensure that assets are accurately captured and maintained.


Drawing templates are customized by the Utility/Council and shared with respective Surveyors/Developers who are responsible for capturing asset data. These templates consist of attributed blocks, validation rules, mapping rules and spatial integrity rules.


When an as-build drawing is handed from the Developer  (Surveyor/Engineer) to the Customer (Utility/Council) it must then pass the predefined rules and standards enforced by ACDC. The ACDC Validator compares the data within the as-built drawing with the stored configuration and validation rules. Elements that do not conform are highlighted allowing rapid correction of incorrect elements. This automated check significantly reduces the proofing process of as-built drawings and removes any errors that may be missed when manually checking drawings.


After all errors are fixed and the drawing is validated by ACDC, the line work and attributes contained within the drawing can be converted and uploaded to the organizations GIS and asset management systems. The ACDC Converter converts objects within the drawing to the target database via a Feature Data Objects (FDO) or Munsys connection.


The figure below provides an overview of this process.


Fig: ACDC Process Overview.


Feature Data Objects (FDO) is an API which caters for a generic interface to multiple database technologies for storing, updating, retrieving and analyzing GIS data. It also provides access to the data stored within the database and allows for custom commands to be executed against a particular provider.


The ACDC Configurator is used independently of the normal work-flow to capture and configure ACDC validation rules and settings that are used by the Validator to validate the drawing. Initial configurations take place while setting up the drawing template after validation rules are defined. These configurations are then stored in a database.


Fig: ACDC Configurator Process Overview.


In this user manual, you will find instructions on how to use the functionality that ACDC provides: